Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Annual Events

Mid-August – Shrimp Boil Picnic

What could be more relaxing on a summer's day than a Cajun style shrimp boil?  Join us for a family-friendly picnic of shrimp, corn on the cob, redskin potatoes, and French bread.

Many consider this our Flagship event.

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Mid-December – Annual Festivus for the Restivus

The human species has been celebrating the Winter Solstice since the dawn of civilization in one way or another. For those of us not subscribing to the Judeo-Christian traditions, we have Festivus. It is our chance to “eat, drink, and be merry” in the company of like-minded people and friends. And what would Festivus be without the airing of grievances and feats of strength, both mental and physical, and lots of laughter and merriment. A great time is had by all. This, too, is a family friendly event, as we usually have some activities for children.

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Special Events

Sometimes we are able to bring known speakers in for special events, or screenings of movies of special interest to humanists/freethinkers. Sometimes we highlight events put on by the CMU and Pitt student groups who welcome our participation. And sometimes there are significant cultural opportunities or events that we feel may be of interest to our members and we promote attendance at these, as well.

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