Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Our work: Exploration and Practice of Humanist Values

As a Chapter of the American Humanist Association (AHA) the Pittsburgh Freethought Community brings nationally recognized humanist thought leaders to address and dialogue with our group.  These events are always open and advertised to the public. Several times a year, keynote speakers and programs are enabled by AHA Chapter grants, restricted donations from the former Humanist Community of Pittsburgh, and the PFC general fund.  

Monthly, smaller events are put on by the PFC Program Committee,  responsible for organizing educational, as opposed to social or activist programs for our members and the public.    The Chair may appoint any number of Organizers to manage specific one-time or recurring events such as a specific Meetup or FB event. 

Please consider volunteering to help this key committee with its important work! 

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