Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Pittsburgh Freethought Community

Sexual Harassment Policy

It is the policy of Pittsburgh Freethought Community that behavior which constitutes sexual harassment will not be tolerated at our events and within our community. 

  • Sexual harassment shall mean behaviors which create a hostile or offensive experience such as, but not limited to, verbal, virtual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature whether intended seriously or in jest, unwelcome sexual advances, and requests for sexual favors, and misogynistic language. 

  • Members and participants who are victims of or who become aware of sexual harassment within our organization are encouraged to report incidents of sexual harassment to any member of the Board of Directors. 

  • Directors who receive such complaints shall immediately bring the complaint to the attention of the president or to another officer if the president is the subject of the complaint. The president or other officer shall direct the Board to investigate with as much confidentiality as possible. If the complaint is made against a board member, that board member shall not be an investigator.  The investigation may include an examination of the context of the alleged occurrence and of steps that PFC should take to create a culture that discourages sexual harassment. 

  • Members and participants who are targets of or who become aware of sexual harassment within our organization are encouraged to report incidents of sexual harassment to any member of the Board of Directors. 

  • Directors who receive such complaints shall immediately bring the complaint to the attention of the President or to another Officer if the President is the subject of the complaint. The President or other Officer shall direct the Board to investigate with as much confidentiality as possible. If the complaint is made against a Board member, that Board member shall not be an investigator. The investigation may include an examination of the context of the alleged occurrence and of steps that PFC should take to create a culture that discourages sexual harassment. 

  • The Board shall take action in executive session to resolve the complaint. If the Board determines that the complaint is supported by a preponderance of evidence, the resolution may include removing a harasser from participation in some or all PFC events. 

  • The Board shall retain in its files a record of the complaint, investigation, and resolution. The Board shall give consideration to the desire of the complainant and of any target to remain anonymous when determining the documentation of the incident and resolution. 

  • The Board shall decide whether to share any or all of the resolution of a complaint of sexual harassment with the membership and with the public. Absent a compelling reason, the identities of the complainant and of any target of harassment shall not be made public. 

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