Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Secular Addiction Recovery Programs 

Traditional "higher power" based addiction recovery programs don't work for everyone - especially those of us who reject such an underlying concept. 

Non-religious members of our community suffer from debilitating addictions which have detrimental affects on the individual, the family and the community at large.  Studies have shown that people do best in addiction recovery programs that align with their worldview. While well-know groups such as AA have helped many, their dogmatic insistence upon reliance on a higher power, frequent references to god and encouragement to recite the lord's prayer often create an obstacle for freethinkers, atheists and other non-believers during their recovery. 

If interested in finding secular help with substance abuse, please consider reaching out to the following organizations.



Per our bylaws, the PFC Activism and Social Justice Committee is responsible for organizing PFC efforts and events that fall within the umbrella of “activism” as opposed to educational or social.  Activism may require in-person participation at a specific time and place, or the encouragement of PFC members and stakeholders to take independent actions such as contacting a government official. These efforts and events may include participation with other groups’ organized events or at events wholly conducted by PFC. The Chair may appoint any number of Organizers to manage specific one-time or recurring events such as a specific Meetup or FB event.

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