Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Have you ever...

  1. Had to hide your disbelief for fear of being ostracized?
  2. Worried that your friends or family would abandon you if they knew that you didn't share their beliefs?
  3. Felt that religion was a taboo topic, and that voicing your true feelings would upset your friends and family?
  4. Sat in church, listening to sermons about how people like you were destined for hell and to be avoided in this life?
  5. Been told that it's wrong to ask questions, or that you just had to trust God and his mysterious ways?
  6. Felt that no one was answering, or even hearing, your prayers?
  7. Felt that you would only be accepted if you changed who you are?
  8. Felt pressured to conform to a group and that a differing opinion wasn't welcome?

This is your chance to...

  1. Be out and proud as your freethinking, secular, humanist, skeptical, or atheist self.
  2. Be celebrated, appreciated, and welcomed because of your beliefs (and lack thereof), and not despite them.
  3. Be confident and honest without fear of retribution or abandonment.
  4. Be a part of thought provoking lecture and round table discussions. (and we won't send you to hell if you don't agree with every point!) 
  5. Be free to ask as many questions as you want. Unanswered questions are encouraged and make for great discussions!
  6. Be listened to and appreciated by real people who understand you and want to help.
  7. Be yourself, and be respected by those with different opinions or beliefs.
  8. Be different without judgment.

This is your chance... to be you.

Our goal at Pittsburgh Freethought Community is to provide a strong and respected public voice for the secular humanist community in shaping public debate and formulating public policy and to promote science, reason, critical thinking, and humanist values in the greater Pittsburgh area. We accomplish this through our...


PFC has had the privilege of hosting several prominent speakers sharing their messages on diverse topics in religion, legal policy, science, and humanism. 

  • Anthony Pinn - Rice University Professor Humanities & Religion
  • Matthew Bulger - AHA Legislative Director
  • Matthew Lamanna - Paleontologist, Dinosaur Researcher
  • Mandisa Thomas - Founder of Black Non-Believers
  • Dan Barker - President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
  • Allison Gill - Legal/Policy Director, American Atheists
  • Patricia DeMarco - Rachel Carson Scholar, Author
  • Alan Johnson - Independent philosopher, historian, political scientist, and legal scholar


PFC and our members regularly participate in regional activities to promote secular causes. We are a regular attendee at Pittsburgh Pride and can be found marching in solidarity with the LGBTQ community. PFC has also been represented in the March for Science and Women's March.

...Lobby Days

PFC members annually join the congressional lobby days with the goal of representing non-believers & bringing the needs of the secular community to the attention of our representatives.

In an era of increasingly regressive policies and the expansion of theocratic governing, building a strong secular community is critical to protecting humanist values and the separation of church and state. Do you agree? Do you share these values?

If you this is you, PFC is excited to welcome you and invite you to participate with us: politically, socially, educationally, or financially.

Get involved...

Sign up to receive the latest PFC Emails

By joining our list, you'll receive notifications for events, our periodic newsletter and the occasional special announcement. If you want to stay abreast of local humanist news, please consider adding your email.

And join us at one of our events

Do you enjoy the art of debate? Come to our local discussion group, where we talk about current topics and age old conundrums through a humanist perspective. (Click here to learn more)

Maybe you enjoy something more laid back? If you are looking to enjoy some relaxed fellowship with like-minded people,check out our freethought brunch events. (Click here to learn more)

Or do you want to hear it from the experts. From science, to philosophy, to social Issues, whatever the subject these expert’s perspectives are both interesting and thought-provoking. (Click here to learn more)

Or Become a paying member today!

When you join the Pittsburgh Freethought Community its more than just a club its a working, breathing collection of individuals that have a common goal to promote science, reason, critical thinking, and humanist values in the greater Pittsburgh area. (Click here to learn more).

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