Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Freeform: Religious Views of Jefferson and Adams

  • Thursday, February 09, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • https://meet.google.com/beh-azmo-wcw


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Freethought Freeform

Topic: The Religious Views of Jefferson and Adams: Diamonds from Dunghills

Moderator: David B

We will discuss the religious views of primarily Thomas Jefferson, but also John Adams by reading their words directly. 

We hope you will join our discussion -- even if you are unable to find time to read the below references.

Before his death, Thomas Jefferson left explicit text for his epitaph:

Here was buried

Thomas Jefferson

Author of the Declaration of American Independence

of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom

& Father of the University of Virginia

Please examine

United States Declaration of Independence  (Focus on the Introduction, Preamble, and Conclusion)

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Please examine correspondence between Jefferson and Adams

John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 14 November 1813

Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 24 January 1814

John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 25 December 1813

We will also discuss the "Jefferson Bible", which is his attempt "to pick out diamonds from dunghills".   All are welcome, but those with a knowledge of the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament are particularly welcome to help us extract better insight from what he kept (diamonds?) and what he discarded (dunghills?).  Do you agree with his selections?

For additional insight, see Alan Johnson's essay


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