Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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Mimi Lindauer

Raised in a conservative religious tradition, Mimi has been a skeptic since her freshman year in college. The events of 9/11/2001, which were perpetrated by religious extremists, shocked her into changing her philosophical identification from agnostic to atheist. After retiring from a long IT career in the Pittsburgh region, she was relieved to discover the Pittsburgh Freethought Community. At PFC, she and her husband Alan Johnson enjoy relaxing with other secular humanists while freely discussing philosophy, science, history, current events, etc.

Interests include defeating the so-called Christian Nationalist movement and preventing further damage to our Earth and its biota.

She enjoys keeping up with current events and reading about various topics in science, especially evolution. Summers are spent gardening in her suburban back yard, doing battle with hungry wildlife, bugs, and plant diseases with the goal of eventually eating a few freshly picked green beans. The joy of foraging in the garden immediately before dinner to find the vegetable du jour is well worth the effort!

Mimi supports PFC’s promotion of humanist values and evidence-based public policy. She was honored when asked to join the PFC Board.

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